Hello guys today i will show you how to protect your apps with system level protection many applock which are in playstore are not so good because it is very leggy and comes up with many adds which is very annoying and slow your phone.Size is very big of apps so it not usefull I have an app lock which gives you best protection and little in size. before use this you need to root your device and xposed is properly installed Features: All features are supported with Android 4.2.and more .Older versions not supported 1. Different observation modes: First start of apps or while using it 2. Duration of unlock time configurable 3. Automatic locking could be switched off. 4. Notification options: Always, while unlocked, never 5. Duration of unlock could be configured 6. Pre-lock slider could be disabled for app unlocking 7. Minimal and maximal time frame of unlocking configurable For extreme protection select these apps: Play Stor...
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